Barbell Back Squat

Target Area: Lower Body 

Equipment: Barbell, Squat Rack, Weight Collars, Weight Plates

  1. Position the bar in a squat rack or cage so that it is approximately level with your upper back. 
  2. Grip the bar firmly and as wide as your shoulder mobility allows. 
  3. Position the bar in either a high or low bar position. 
  4. Position your feet directly under the bar, brace your core and extend your knees, allowing the barbell to be freed from the rack. 
  5. Step directly backwards one foot at a time, then reposition your feet to approximately shoulder width apart with your toes pointing slightly outwards.
  6. Take a deep breath and brace the core.
  7. Hinge at your hips, causing your waist to travel behind your heels and your upper body to travel over your toes.
  8. Remain balanced with the bar tracking over the middle of your foot during the descent.
  9. At the bottom of the movement, drive your heels into the floor and stand up with the hips and chest rising together, straightening your knees and locking your hips at the top. This is one repetition.



Increase the weight on the bar or number of repetitions


Decrease the weight on the bar or number of repetitions.


Dumbbell Squat